Thursday, June 26, 2014

Beer ads Sexualizes Women

         The video above is a commercial for Heineken beer. After watching this commercial I took some time to dissect the symbols displayed within the thirty second commercial. The commercial portrays a woman as a sexualized object. She is not only robot maid that dispenses beer, she is also a form of entertainment . After she dispenses beer from her body and holds it as if modeling it, she then holds on to the beer while she multiplies and dances till the end of the commercial. This is not the only beer advertisement that portrays women as sexualized objects. There are endless pictures and posters that portray women as sexualized objects.

 Images like the one on the left,  where there are women are wearing little Clothing are commonly used as posters on billboards .

      This brings to mind questions like:
Who are these commercials directed to?
Why are they directed to these people?
Who watches has commercials? 
How and why are these commercials attracting these people? 
And most importantly,
how does this affect the way people see women?

 Images like the one on the right are commonly found in pages of a magazine. There are also cardboard ads, like the one on the bottom left, that display in skin tight clothing to attract the male consumer. theses ads can be found outside/ inside local liquor stores. 

All pictures where found using Google search

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