Thursday, July 24, 2014

Anti Photoshop Movement

There is this movement that has people rethinking images in things from covers of magazines to advertising. the movement is called the anti photoshop movement. It has been a topic about the affects that these altered images  have on children and people who look at these images. studies have showed that these images have con tributed to self esteem issues that may have or can lead to eating disorders like bolimea and aneraxia.
a couple, Seth and Eva Matlins, have started a compaing to regulate the retouching of models in magazine advertisments. this couple also happen to be the founders of a magaazine and fashion lable named Off Our Chests. they believe that the "self-esteem act" will protect children and teenages alike from unrealistic ideals when it comes to body image. The article found here goes into more detail about the movement.

I really wanted to know what other people thought about the idea of advertising actually having affects on  a person's perception of themselves so I decided to make a survey. In the survey I asked men and women at the Grove five questions.

The following questions where asked:

1. Do you think Men and Women are portrayed accurately in Ads. (in mag. or commercials.)?

2. Do you think this affects people?

3. In a positive or in a negative way?

4. Do you think that photoshopped ads should state that they have been photoshopped?

5. Do you think that doing so will make a difference?

Men   and   women
No                          100%
Yes                        100%
Neg.                        95%
Yes                       100%
Yes                       100%
The results were surprisingly similar. Both genders agreed with their response to the questions asked.
One young lady that took  the survey mentioned that making ads state that their images have been Photoshopped can have a positive impact on readers. She said "people will realize the difference between fantasy and reality. "



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